Saturday, November 06, 2004

i think i'm kinda tired.
kinda bored.
kinda waiting for something,
but i don't know what.
i think i'm pretty much...lazy.
pretty annoying-
at least i think to some people,
and i do not like that.
my head sort of hurts
i sort of want someone
(a sort of "special someone")
but we all know that won't happen.
i think i kinda sort of pretty much want you, maybe.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

i learned...

YOu are aS DiffeRent to otHerS as theY arE to yOu.
Words are WEIGHT.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

a short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker.
we learned that in english.

lately when i am listening to songs, songs that i've heard many times before, the lyrics really stick out (more than usual). I remember them and think, i want to write that down, maybe in my journal, but then i pretty much forget them when it comes to updating this. sorry.

my point is: i wish i could write lyrics better. Because I've had so many weird feelings, or lack of feelings, or something, and everytime i feel a certain way i wish i could write it down. Words flow through my head, and i know exactly what i want to say. A few minutes later i sit down to write and it's gone. My second point is: some genious needs to invent a way to record one's own thoughts. yes. that will help. okay. bye.

Monday, November 01, 2004

good game?
good season.

weird huh?
my last season of volleyball. this brings up last pole talk. and last vball banquet. and last a lot of highschool things. weird huh?

hopefully senior year will be a lot of lasts. but also hopefully not.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

what is wrong with me?
i get mad at someone for what i think is treating me like crap when i am doing the same to so many others!! why do we play with people's emotions!?
what does it even matter!
someone should make me feel like an idiot when i am one i guess!
i am so ignorantly selfish!
can you be that? if you can that is what i am.

oh my gosh! what a horrible person!
i am nearly yelling at someone for their mistakes and not even considering the mistakes i've made and how they made people feel etc etc.
i'm sorry.
to you and you and you and you and so many more.

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